Pump Addicted is the best way to improve your sexual performance. In samples of men between 25 and 55 years old with erection problems or to improve the performance and size of the penis the feedback was 100% positive, proving that it is the best product on the market. Pump Addicted helps achieve an erection in a simple way by using a vacuum system that causes blood to pool in the penis when it is still relaxed. An erection is achieved and maintained by a comfortable and hermetic seal at the base of the pump, right at the junction of the penis with the pubic area, thanks to which blood is kept in the penis. The RX9 pump improves your performance thanks to the built-in calibrator. At a more advanced level, the calibration system is necessary to optimize performance and guarantee the actual pressure. Other benefits of the vacuum pump include delaying ejaculation, improving sex drive, triggering testosterone, maintaining harder and longer erections, and supporting penile tissue after prostate surgery.
Free of phthalates according to EU regulation REACH.
Information about the product:
For Him or For Her: For Him.
Length: –
Length Penetration: 24 cm.
Diameter int: 6 cm.
Color: Black.
Material-Sense: Silicone / ABS.
Main Features: Penis pump for male masturbation.
Vibration: –
Manufacturer: PUMP ADDICTED.